Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I hope the Pastoral Corner is informative. The pastoral team has adopted this initiative and will inform all of us the highlights as well as future plans accordingly.
EM has just finished six sessions on Christian Worship. We will start a new session on Romans. Romans is a thesis Apostle Paul wrote towards both Jewish and Gentile Christians. Most of the Christians in Rome were predominately non-Jewish Christians. For this reason, Romans was written to help Christians build a strong foundation of Christian faith conviction. I have intentionally chosen this book to help all of us understand the Gospel in full explanation according to Apostle Paul. First, I have a passion to help Bethel have a strong conviction of their faith. Second, I also want to help those who are still unsure about their faith to have a better understanding before making their commitment to follow Jesus without hesitations. Third, this session is perfect for seekers who may want to know what Christian faith is all about. I would like to encourage our congregation at bethel to pray and ask God who they can invite to come to learn. From March 6th to July 10th, 2024, I will hold a weekly Wednesday night at 7:30-8:30 PM Christian Education Session for a total of 19 sessions. It will be discussion based using a Lifeguide Bible Study Series: Becoming New in Christ by Jack Kuhatschek. We can make hybrid available for all 19 sessions. I do encourage physical gathering as well as full participation for fruitful learning.
In the coming days, I will give out a home visitation request to EM congregation from time to time. My purpose is to get to know each of you as well as members of your family. This can help me better serve you. Each visit should not be more than 30 mins and no need to prepare any meal or refreshment. Hopefully, that will put you at ease.
Many thanks to Amy Cheung who has been working alongside of me to have EM ministry descriptions done for various roles. They are posted on the bulletin board outside of the EM Chapel. We are doing the work of preparing our church as a bride to be presentable when Christ returns. I believe members of the church should serve together as one. I hope the ministry description can help you prayerfully consider serving our brothers and sisters in the church. Let us deck out our bride together!
Please stay tuned for more details in the coming days. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at Please continue to pray for our church. Thank you.
EM剛剛完成了六課關於基督教崇拜的課程。我們將開始一個新的關於羅馬書的課程。羅馬書是使徒保羅寫給猶太人和外邦基督徒的論文。羅馬的大多數基督徒主要是非猶太基督徒。出於這個原因,羅馬書的寫作是為了説明建立基督教信仰堅實基礎。我有意選擇這本書根據使徒保羅的說法,以幫助我們所有人清楚明白基督信仰,全面解釋福音。首先,我熱衷幫助頌主堂對基督信仰有堅定的信念。其次,我也想説明那些仍然不確定自己信仰的人有一個更好的理解做出毫不猶豫的決定跟隨耶穌。第三,這課非常適合那些可能想知道基督教信仰是怎麼回事的尋求者。我想鼓勵我們頌主堂的會眾祈禱,並祈求上帝給我們每人心裏知道邀請誰來一起學習。從2024年3月6日到7月10日,我將每週三晚上7:30-8:30舉行基督教教育課程,共19節課。它將使用傑克‧庫哈切克 (Jack Kuhatschek) 的 Lifeguide 聖經學習系列:在基督里成為新人進行討論。我們可以為所有19個工作階段提供網上和實體進行課程。我確實鼓勵實體聚會和充分參與,以獲得富有成效的學習。
非常感謝Amy Cheung,她一直與我一起同工,為EM各角色完成了EM事工的描述。它們張貼在EM教堂外的公告板上。我們正在做預備教會成為新娘的工作,以便在基督再來時表現得體。我相信教會的成員應該合而為一一起同工。我希望事工描述能説明你虔誠地考慮在教會中服事我們的弟兄姊妹。讓我們一起裝飾我們的新娘!
請繼續關注未來幾天的更多細節。 如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請隨時與我聯繫。 請繼續為我們的教會禱告。 謝謝。
EM刚刚完成了六课关于基督教崇拜的课程。我们将开始一个新的关于罗马书的课程。罗马书是使徒保罗写给犹太人和外邦基督徒的论文。罗马的大多数基督徒主要是非犹太基督徒。出于这个原因,罗马书的写作是为了说明建立基督教信仰坚实基础。我有意选择这本书根据使徒保罗的说法,以帮助我们所有人清楚明白基督信仰,全面解释福音。首先,我热衷帮助颂主堂对基督信仰有坚定的信念。其次,我也想说明那些仍然不确定自己信仰的人有一个更好的理解做出毫不犹豫的决定跟随耶稣。第三,这课非常适合那些可能想知道基督教信仰是怎么回事的寻求者。我想鼓励我们颂主堂的会众祈祷,并祈求上帝给我们每人心里知道邀请谁来一起学习。从2024年3月6日到7月10日,我将每周三晚上7:30-8:30举行基督教教育课程,共19节课。它将使用杰克‧库哈切克 (Jack Kuhatschek) 的 Lifeguide 圣经学习系列:在基督里成为新人进行讨论。我们可以为所有19个工作阶段提供网上和实体进行课程。 我确实鼓励实体聚会和充分参与,以获得富有成效的学习。
在未来日子里,我会不时向英文部会众发出家访请求。我的目的是了解你们每个人以及你们的家人。这可以说明我更好地为您服事。每次访问不应超过30分钟,无需准备任何餐点或点心。 希望这会让你放心。
非常感谢Amy Cheung,她一直与我一起同工,为EM各角色完成了EM事工的描述。它们张贴在EM教堂外的公告板上。我们正在做预备教会成为新娘的工作,以便在基督再来时表现得体。我相信教会的成员应该合而为一一起同工。我希望事工描述能说明你虔诚地考虑在教会中服事我们的弟兄姊妹。让我们一起装饰我们的新娘!