Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This will be the first English Ministry Pastoral Corner written to you. Since March 2023, I have spent most of my time observing and building relationships with brothers and sisters. One of the biggest improvements needed at Bethel is to build trust between Pastors and leaders, and leaders and congregation through good communication. For this reason, this initiative is one way to keep our EM, CM, and MM Congregations informed. This is meant to be transparent and help everyone understand the struggles we face as well as informative steps in which we EM leadership will communicate our current situation and how we can lead the church on this spiritual journey.
For the past year, I have preached on the church as a new humanity, how we ought to respond to God’s calling, and our responsibility as a member of the church. This is to rediscover and remind our congregation of our identity as children of God. May God reignite our passion to follow Jesus once again.
In the coming year 2024, we aim to help our EM congregation engage the Christian faith with clarity. We will provide Christian Education in the following areas: Leadership training, Bible Studies, Topical Studies, and discipleship. Traditionally, Bethel has Sunday School after service. I have always understood that the congregation is supposed to take home what they have heard from the pulpit on Sunday Service because that is the Lord’s instruction for the rest of the week. However, my concern is having too much information given when we are to have Sunday School back-to-back right after the Worship Service. This will result in breaking the meditation and reflecting on what we have heard from the pulpit. For this reason, EM Sunday School will change its name to Christian Education and will be offered on Wednesday nights. We do prefer in-person gatherings. However, we are open to a hybrid platform through Zoom. I will put together 6 sessions on Christian Worship. This is to help brothers and sisters understand the order of worship elements and its purpose so we may worship in spirit and in truth.
Furthermore, EM leadership will also look into helping our members discover their spiritual gifts after the Christian Worship Sessions. We intend to empower and mobilize the whole church to serve with purpose. We are currently working on Ministry Descriptions and roles in the EM Ministry. It will be made available during Christian Worship Sessions. Please stay tuned for more details in the coming days. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please continue to pray for our church. Thank you.
這將是第一個寫給你的英語事工牧者感言。自 2023 年 3 月以來,我大部分時間都花在觀察和與兄弟姊妹建立關係上。頌主堂需要最大的改進,就是良好的溝通,在牧師和領袖之間,以及領袖和會眾之間建立信任。出於這個原因,這項 ”牧者感言”倡議是讓我們的英語部、粵語部 和 國語部 會眾了解情況的一種方式。這是為了事工的透明,讓每個人了解我們面臨的掙扎,以及我們英語部領導層將傳達當前情況的資訊步驟,以及我們如何帶領教會踏上這段屬靈之旅。
在即將到來的 2024 年,我們的目標是幫助我們的英文堂會眾清晰地參與基督教信仰。我們將在以下領域提供基督教教育:領導力培訓、聖經研究、專題研究和門徒訓練 傳統上,頌主堂在禮拜後有主日學。按我的理解,會眾應該把他們在主日禮拜講臺上聽到的信息帶回家,因為這是主在那週給我們餘下六天裡的指示。然而,我擔心的是,當我們在崇拜之後連續進行主日學時,會提供太多的資訊。這將打岔我們在禮拜講壇上所聽到的信息內容和反思。出於這個原因,英語部主日學將更名為基督教教育,並將在週三晚上舉行。我們確實喜歡實體聚會,只是,我們也願意提供網上平臺和實體混合進行。我將會提供六堂關於基督教崇拜的課程。這是為了幫助弟兄姊妹瞭解敬拜元素的次序及其目的,這樣我們就可以用心靈和誠實敬拜。
此外,英文堂的領導層還將考慮幫助我們的成員在崇拜後發現他們的屬靈恩賜。我們打算賦予和動員整個教會有目的地服事。我們目前正在研究英語部事工的事工簡介和角色, 它將在崇拜期間提供。請繼續關注未來幾天的更多細節。如果您有任何問題或疑慮,請隨時與我聯繫。請繼續為我們的教會禱告。謝謝。
这将是第一个写给你的英语事工牧者感言。自 2023 年 3 月以来,我大部分时间都花在观察和与兄弟姊妹建立关系上。颂主堂需要最大的改进,就是良好的沟通,在牧师和领袖之间,以及领袖和会众之间建立信任。出于这个原因,这项 ”牧者感言”倡议是让我们的英语部、粤语部 和 国语部 会众了解情况的一种方式。这是为了事工的透明,让每个人了解我们面临的挣扎,以及我们英语部领导层将传达当前情况的资讯步骤,以及我们如何带领教会踏上这段属灵之旅。
在即将到来的 2024 年,我们的目标是帮助我们的英文堂会众清晰地参与基督教信仰。我们将在以下领域提供基督教教育:领导力培训、圣经研究、专题研究和门徒训练 传统上,颂主堂在礼拜后有主日学。按我的理解,会众应该把他们在主日礼拜讲台上听到的信息带回家,因为这是主在那周给我们余下六天里的指示。然而,我担心的是,当我们在崇拜之后连续进行主日学时,会提供太多的资讯。这将打岔我们在礼拜讲坛上所听到的信息内容和反思。出于这个原因,英语部主日学将更名为基督教教育,并将在周三晚上举行。我们确实喜欢实体聚会,只是,我们也愿意提供网上平台和实体混合进行。我将会提供六堂关于基督教崇拜的课程。这是为了帮助弟兄姊妹了解敬拜元素的次序及其目的,这样我们就可以用心灵和诚实敬拜。
此外,英文堂的领导层还将考虑帮助我们的成员在崇拜后发现他们的属灵恩赐。我们打算赋予和动员整个教会有目的地服事。我们目前正在研究英语部事工的事工简介和角色, 它将在崇拜期间提供。请继续关注未来几天的更多细节。如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时与我联系。请继续为我们的教会祷告。谢谢。