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Family News:

  1. Theme 2024: "Walk with Jesus with actions and in truth"
    Theme verse: "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." (1 John 3:18)
    Sub-theme for Spring (Jan - Mar): "Walk with Jesus, live out faith"
    Sub-theme verse: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)
  2. Prayer meeting will be held at 11:30 am after CM Service in the sanctuary focusing on those who serve. Welcome all to join and pray for the church and let us be a prayer-driven church.
  3. Good Friday Commemoration Service will be held at Bethel basement on Mar. 29 (Fri) at 10:00 am. Please sign up at the office or through fellowship, and indicate if you will attend the feet washing ceremony. If yes, please bring your own towel.
  4. 2024 MBCCA Joint Good Friday Service “Gethsemane” will be held at Fraser Lands Church (3330 SE Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC) on March 29, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Please join and remember Jesus' suffering and His saving grace together. For details, please refer to the poster.
  5. Deacon Nomination Committee has received replies from the nominees. Thanks be to God! Brother Roy Tang has accepted the nomination and will become the candidate for the Deacon By-election. Biography of the candidate will be posted on the bulletin board.
    Deacon By-Election will be held in-person on Sunday, April 14, 2024.
  6. March 31 will be a Joint Easter Service, held at the sanctuary at 10:00 am. Please prepare your heart to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
  7. Rev. Stephen Woo will be on leave on Mar 18.
  8. Rev. Alice Leung will be on leave on Mar 18.
  9. Pastor Peter Chong will be on leave on Mar 18, 20-21.



  1. 2024主題:「與主同行,踐行真道
    主題經文:「小子們哪,我們相愛,不要只在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。」 (約翰一書 3:18)
    季度金句:「人非有信,就不能得神的喜悅;因為到神面前來的人必須信有神,且信他賞賜那尋求他的人。」(希伯來書 11:6)
  2. 崇拜後上午11:30於禮堂有祈禱會,為事奉人員祈禱,歡迎弟兄姊妹留步參加,踴躍為教會事工守望禱告,讓頌主堂成為禱告的教會。
  3. 頌主堂受苦節默想會將於3月29日(週五)上午10:00點在土庫舉行。請參加者於辦公室或各團契報名,並填寫是否參與洗腳環節,如參與,請自備毛巾。
  4. 門諾弟兄會華聯會「受苦節聯合崇拜」將於3月29日(週五)晚上7:00至晚上9:00舉行。主題為 「客西馬尼園」。地點:在 Fraser Lands Church (3330 SE Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC)。鼓勵弟兄姊妹一同參與,默念耶穌基督為我們受死,賜下救恩。詳情請參閱海報。
  5. 執事提名委員會已收回被提名者的回覆。感謝神!鄧錦榮Roy Tang弟兄已接受提名為執事補選候選人。候選人簡介將刊登在公告板上。
  6. 3月31日為復活節聯合崇拜,崇拜將於上午10:00於禮堂舉行,請預備心靈同慶基督復活。
  7. 胡志雄牧師將於3月18日休假。
  8. 梁婉慧牧師將於3月18日休假。
  9. 張俊德傳道將於3月18、20-21日休假。



  1. 2024主题:「与主同行,践行真道
    主题经文:「小子们哪,我们相爱,不要只在言语和舌头上,总要在行为和诚实上。」 (约翰一书 3:18)
    季度金句:「人非有信,就不能得神的喜悦;因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,且信他赏赐那寻求他的人。」(希伯来书 11:6)
  2. 崇拜后上午11:30于礼堂有祈祷会,为事奉人员祈祷,欢迎弟兄姊妹留步参加,踊跃为教会事工守望祷告,让颂主堂成为祷告的教会。
  3. 颂主堂受苦节默想会将于3月29日(周五)上午10:00点在土库举行。请参加者于办公室或各团契报名,并填写是否参与洗脚环节,如参与,请自备毛巾。
  4. 门诺弟兄会华联会「受苦节联合崇拜」将于3月29日(周五)晚上7:00至晚上9:00举行。主题为 「客西马尼园」。地点:在 Fraser Lands Church (3330 SE Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC)。鼓励弟兄姊妹一同参与,默念耶稣基督为我们受死,赐下救恩。详情请参阅海报。
  5. 执事提名委员会已收回被提名者的回覆。感谢神!邓锦荣Roy Tang弟兄已接受提名为执事补选候选人。候选人简介将刊登在公告板上。
  6. 3月31日为复活节联合崇拜,崇拜将于上午10:00于礼堂举行,请预备心灵同庆基督复活。
  7. 胡志雄牧师将于3月18日休假。
  8. 梁婉慧牧师将于3月18日休假。
  9. 张俊德传道将于3月18、20-21日休假。