Program Description 課程簡介
School Term Description 學期簡介
Inquiry/Registration 查詢或報名

Our Chinese School was established in 1997. 本校創辦於一九九七年。

Mission Statement 辦學宗旨
  • Provide a learning environment for students to study the Chinese language and to learn about the Chinese culture.
  • Assist the community in promoting Chinese education.
  • Emphasize the fostering of spiritual development, as well as moral, intellectual, physical, social, and aesthetic growth.
  • Provide a wide variety of teaching and learning experiences, and to foster the understanding of the purpose of life in students through hymns and Bible stories.
  • 教導學生學習中文及認識中國文化。
  • 協助本社區推廣中文教育。
  • 注重靈性方面之栽培及德、智、體、群、美育之及發展。
  • 多元化教學,並透過詩歌和聖經故事讓學生明白人生的目的。
Program Description 課程簡介

Our Chinese school offers Cantonese program for kindergarten and elementary school grades.

Classes are taught by experienced and caring teachers. Classes include time for Chinese language training, calligraphy, Mandarin lessons, poems, songs, stories, and crafts. Children aged 3 and above are welcome to register for class.

Cantonese Class: Taught in Cantonese with 15 minutes of Mandarin lesson.
School Hours: Every Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.


課堂由教學經驗豐富的基督徒老師任教,用愛心教導,對學生因材施教。各班以活動形式教學,內容多元化,包括語文訓練、書法、普通話、兒歌、唱遊、 詩歌朗誦、成語故事、手工等活動。歡迎三歲及以上之子女報名參加。

上課時間:逢星期六 上午十時至下午十二時十五分

School Term Description 學期簡介

There are two terms in each school year:

  1. “Fall ‧ First Term”: From September of the current year to January of the following year.
  2. “Spring ‧ Second Term”: From February of the following year to June of the following year.


  1. 〈秋季 ‧ 上學期〉:由九月至翌年一月。
  2. 〈春季 ‧ 下學期〉:由翌年二月至六月。
Inquiry/Registration 查詢或報名

Telephone 電話:604-434-8227  

Email 電郵